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We're here to help

What help is available from the Trust?

Support is delivered by the Trust through three main programmes:

  1. Energy grants which can help households with up to £2,000 in fuel debt
  2. A small grants programme that provides emergency energy vouchers, financial assistance payments and white goods through our trusted partners
  3. A programme that funds over 40 money and energy advice projects throughout Britain
Where can I get money and energy advice?

You can find a map of our funded organisations plus links to other advice agencies who might be able to help you on our money and energy advice page.

These organisations offer support with:

  • Emergency fuel vouchers
  • Budget planning
  • Benefit / income maximisation checks
  • Energy supplier / tariff switching exercises
  • Resolution of energy debt problems
  • Negotiating with energy suppliers
  • Completing grant applications to helpful schemes, e.g. Warm Home Discount and ECO schemes and energy companies’ Priority Services Registers
  • Home energy efficiency surveys and tailored energy efficiency advice and devices, and white goods
  • Generalist advice on subjects including housing, employment and discrimination, helping to overcome other barriers to financial well-being
How can I apply for a grant from the Trust?
What evidence will I need to provide to support my application?

You will need to provide evidence that you have received money/debt advice

  • Applicants must have received money advice to be eligible to apply
  • The application form asks you to provide details of the organisation from which you received money advice

Details of your gas / electricity debt

  • You must provide your relevant gas/electricity account numbers
  • Gas and electricity meter readings are also needed, which must be taken on the day that you submit your application
  • Ensure you provide details of ALL gas/electricity debts. Additional debts cannot be added once the application is submitted and if your application is successful, you cannot reapply to the Trust for two years

Your households finances

To understand the financial situation of the household you must include:

  • ALL income received by the household
  • ALL household expenditure
  • ALL household debts, including gas/electricity debts
  • Speak to your money adviser if you are in the process of having your benefits reviewed/you are appealing a decision/you are applying for benefits. They will be able to advise you if it is in your best interest to wait until this has been finalised before applying

Your Household’s Circumstances

  • This section helps the Trust to understand your household’s circumstances, and in particular any issues which have contributed to you applying to the Trust

Supporting Evidence

  • At the end of the application you will be advised what additional supporting information is needed to support your application, based on the answers you have given
  • Without the supporting evidence your application cannot be assessed
  • The sooner you can provide the evidence, the sooner the Trust can get back to you with a decision on your application
  • If you have your evidence available when you submit your application you can attach a scan or photograph of this to your application
  • If you do not have the evidence available when you submit your application you can email and/or post this once it is available. Each piece of evidence must clearly state your name and address so it can be linked to your application

Email evidence to:

  • Please ensure that original documents are not provided as these cannot be returned
  • If supporting evidence is missing, or more information is needed, we will email and ask for this giving you 30 days to provide. This will increase the length of time taken for a decision to be made on your application
  • All evidence must be dated within three months of your application, however annual benefit letters for Works or State Pensions, Child Benefits, Disability Living Allowance (DLA), etc. can be accepted
  • If you do not provide the supporting information within 30 days we will assume that you no longer want to apply and your application will be closed

Declaration and Monitoring Information

  • Please read the Trust’s Privacy Policy before submitting your application. The monitoring information is to help the Trust improve its services and will not be taken into consideration when your application is being assessed
Where can I get help to complete the form?

Trust funded organisations across England, Wales and Scotland can help you apply to the Trust and other grant-giving schemes. Click here to find your nearest organisation.

Alternatively there are a number of other sources of help, for example your local Citizens Advice or Advice UK centre. You can also look up your local advice agency here.

How will the Trust deal with my application?

Before applying, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria detailed in the application portal.

  • It is easy to save your progress at any point allowing you to complete the form at a later date
  • If you would prefer the Trust to communicate with someone else regarding your application, e.g. a friend or relative or local advice agency, you can provide their contact details
  • The Trust will acknowledge receipt of your application by email
  • At the end of the application you will be advised what additional supporting information is needed to support your application, based on the answers you have given
  • Supporting evidence can be attached and submitted with your application
  • If the Trust needs further information from you we will email and ask for this, giving you 30 days to respond
  • Speak to your money adviser if you are in the process of having your benefits reviewed/you are appealing a decision/you are applying for benefits. They will be able to advise you if it is in your best interest to wait until this has been finalised before applying
  • If you are applying for a grant to clear debt owed to British Gas, the Trust will contact British Gas to find out the value of your gas / electricity debt
  • The Trust will inform you by email if your application has been successful or unsuccessful in receiving an award
  • The Trust treats all applications in the strictest confidence
Can I apply to the Trust again?

Applying to the Trust again

If you are successful and receive an award
You cannot reapply to the Trust for two years.

If you are unsuccessful and do not receive an award
You can reapply at any time following a change in your circumstances, e.g. if you lose your job or your household income changes.

The decision of the Trust is final and we do not operate an appeals procedure.

Who is the Trusts’ Grant administration and service provider?

The grant-giving charity, British Gas Energy Trust, has appointed Auriga Services Ltd as its Grants Management Service Provider.