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Do you have energy bill arrears that you cannot afford to pay back?

Struggling with energy debt?

If you’re struggling with debt its difficult to know where to turn. The British Gas Energy Trust would encourage you to contact your local Money Advice Agency for help before applying for a grant. If you get advice, this will help your chances of a successful grant application.

Click here to find your local advice centre or find online debt and money information at, and on the Citizens Advice national website.

Our Grants

The Individual and Families Fund

The fund is available to British Gas and non-British Gas customers on pre-payment meter accounts only.

Criteria that must be met:

We want to ensure that grants go to people who cannot access energy debt help from their own provider. Several suppliers have their own support fund which is restricted to their customers only. These are: OVO, Boost, Eon, Eon Next, EDF, Scottish Power, Octopus, Shell Energy, SSE, Utilita and Utility Warehouse. If you are a customer of one of these companies, please apply to them directly.

Please do not apply for our grants if you do not have energy debt, as your application will be rejected. If you are struggling financially, please visit the drop down menu from ‘money and energy advice’ for resources such as the Bounce back Checklist, Better Off Calculator or the Lightning Reach Financial Support Portal. Alternatively, check Money and Energy Advice to find a Trust funded project local to you.

 If you meet all the above criteria you may be eligible for a Trust grant, click here to apply for a grant.


British Gas Energy Support Fund

The Energy Support Fund is currently open to applications from British Gas customers with credit or pre-payment meter accounts.

Criteria that must be met:

 If you meet all the above criteria you may be eligible for a Trust grant, click here to apply for a grant.


Please note, we are an Independent Charity and cannot respond to complaints regarding gas or electricity accounts held with British Gas.

Fuel and Money Advice

The Trust funds advice-giving organisations across England, Wales and Scotland which give free support and help people avoid the burden of energy debt, make informed choices and improve their money management skills. Find an advice centre local to you.

Guidance for Money Advice services applying on behalf of, or supporting an application.

Please note that the British Gas Energy Trust is interested in funding applications where the applicant can show a sustainable position moving forward. We believe that it is rarely in the person’s best interest to seek a debt write-off, without dealing with the underlying problem of a deficit budget, due to this deficit budget’s will only be considered in exceptional circumstances, there is some allowance for marginal exceptions.

Please note where client’s would be eligible for a Bankruptcy or DRO, we expect this to have been explained to the client. Clients who are eligible for a DRO may not be successful in their application, as there is an alternative route to managing their debt.

The Trust expects that the money advice service who has supported the applicant, has ensured that all advice given and action taken by their agents or appointed representatives a) has regard to the best interests of the applicant b) is appropriate to the individual circumstances of the applicant c) is based on a sufficiently full assessment of the financial circumstances of the applicant.1

1 8.3.2 Consumer Credit Sourcebook, Financial Conduct Authority